Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Thoughts on creating a cryptocurrency to pay each adult with. 

you.com chat.

 Creating a cryptocurrency using a percentage of the gross national product to pay every adult in America is an ambitious project. You would need to create a blockchain, develop a consensus protocol, and create a digital token to represent the currency. Additionally, you would need to create a way to securely store and transfer the digital tokens,an ai bank was the plan and create a way for users to buy and sell them. You would also need to create a system of incentives and rewards to encourage people to use the currency. Finally, you would need to build a network of merchants and vendors who accept the currency, and create a marketplace to facilitate the buying and selling of the tokens.

Obviously we would need to be able to spend this cryptocurrency at the stores,so we might need a little help from the government to make it legal tender.Setting the value equal to the dollar would make it easier to dispense to each adult.

peace and freedom towards Unity

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