Monday, January 9, 2023

 WARNING: Text may contain sensitive content 

What if I told you that there is a new way of designing an economy where everyone gets paid equally? Sounds too good to be true, right? But it's actually possible. With the use of Gross National Product (GNP) as a generator and crypto currency payments for each adult equivalent to what it costs to live, we can create a secure and stable society. 

The idea behind this concept is simple: people will continue working their regular jobs with hourly pay but they will also receive an extra income from the GNP-generated cryptocurrency every month. This means that no matter how much or little someone earns through their job, they still have enough money coming in from the crypto currency payments so they can afford basic necessities like food and rent without worrying about whether or not their paycheck covers those expenses. 

This type of system would ensure financial security for all citizens while at the same time encouraging productivity by rewarding hard work with higher wages instead of leaving some people stuck in poverty due to limited earning potentials based on factors such as age or gender discrimination within certain professions. Additionally, since more money would be circulating throughout society due to these monthly payments being made out via cryptocurrency rather than conventional cash transactions, businesses could benefit from increased consumer spending which could lead them towards further growth opportunities down the line! 

Overall this designed economy sounds like something worth exploring further - who knows what kind of positive changes it might bring us if implemented correctly!

Peace and freedom towards unity

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