Tuesday, January 3, 2023


My name is Paul.Im an american 78 years old.I live in the western United states.I Wander from Oregon to  Arizona and new mexico.Its a pleasure to see how beautiful Nature is.Some where in my wanders I began thinking about unity and the society I live within.I couldnt help notice the wide variables some of us live in,Theres extremes of wealth and people who are struggling to make ends meet,needing more money constantly can lead to a dis-satisfying life.In this example of economics I see taxation as an example of redistributing the wealth which as I see it is somewhat avoided as much as the law allows and the redistribution process ineffective for the problems as they accumulate.Its kinda like people trying to live and the folks in charge start raising the prices because their very ambitious and then the amount we are pais is inefficient for the cost of living.Taxes are raised but the problem continues.

I started thinking mabey if we paid everyone directly we wouldnt need so many taxes which didnt seem to solve each persons problem any way as the prices keep going up.To my mind we needed something that would stabilise each persons life and could fluctuate with each rise in prices.I looked at the tax methods where we would need a power above our society ability's to cause the wealth to share more with society on an individual basis and the redistributing method is rife with problems.Then as I sat pondering right in front of my eyes I saw this gigantic generator which could easily pay every adult in this nation a living wage on a monthly basis.Last year the gross national profit was something like 23 trillion dollars and most of it didnt end up being spent by society.So just 1/8 of a percent of this amount could easily pay each adult here $5100 a month with quite abit left over.It merely requires to create a digital method of creating digital money which would be equal in value to the dollar which could be distributed to each adults e wallet each month,so that control would be our governments to make that value so.Its no different than a stock dividend but its based on the Gross national product for the preceding month.So if prices increased so would your monthly income which would stabilise each citizens life.Many of us would also have hourly paid jobs as well as receive this supplemental form,Now we could also create a huge maintenance corps with which we could tackle the problems of our Earth such as water,power parks city infrastructure and others.So no one would be without income or a place to function in a satisfying occupation as a partner of a grand theme pay for the duration of life.The need to have something to sell is also reduced since we probable are already generating more than enough to tend to the needs of every human in America.Peace and freedom and Unity.

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