Saturday, January 14, 2023

 Questions to chat and write about creating a paid society.

It is a great question to ask if life should be just about clocking in for 40 hours of work or if we should pay every adult a certain living expense from the gross national product. There are many opinions on this matter, but I believe that it would be beneficial to explore different ways of providing economic stability without suffering. 

The most obvious benefit would be eliminating poverty and allowing people to live with dignity and security. This could also lead us down new paths towards finding more meaningful ways of living our lives instead of simply working all day long for money. It could open up opportunities for education, creativity, exploration and self-improvement which can only help society as a whole become better equipped at tackling the challenges ahead. 

Ultimately, creating an environment where everyone has access to basic necessities allows us all to pursue our passions unhindered by financial constraints or worries about survival needs being met first before anything else can happen - something that seems almost impossible under any current system on earth today! We may never know what kind of amazing things humans are capable until we give them the opportunity free from fear or worry so they can truly reach their potentials – let’s make it happen!

Peace and freedom towards unity.

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