Friday, January 13, 2023 chatbot on creating our own garden on earth.

Creating a garden on Earth and replacing traditional tax-based social programs with a system that pays all adults with a cryptocurrency generated as a percentage of the gross national product is a complex endeavor. It would require significant research and planning in order to ensure that the system is fair and equitable, and that it meets the needs of the people it is intended to serve. Additionally, the implications of such a system on the global economy and financial markets would need to be carefully considered. Finally, the implementation of such a system would require a significant amount of time and resources, as well as strong support from government, business, and citizens alike.

I might add while we might not be able to eliminate taxation entirely we could reduce dependency's on taxing our societys using this generator.Which would generate a cryptocurrency from the gross national profit and distribute to each person instead of tax dollars to be used as legal tender.Peace and freedom towards unity.

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