Wednesday, May 10, 2023

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Worker Cooperatives in US.

Good morning.Will you organize some news on worker cooperatives in the united states.I wonder if we can stimulate some interest in Mexico too.

Good morning! I'd be happy to provide you with some news on worker cooperatives in the United States. Here are a few recent developments:

  1. In April 2021, the American Jobs Plan proposed by President Biden included funding for the development of worker-owned cooperatives. The plan aims to create jobs and promote economic growth through the expansion of worker-owned businesses.

  2. In March 2021, the state of Maryland passed legislation establishing a task force to study the feasibility of creating a public bank that would support worker cooperatives and other small businesses. The bill was championed by the Maryland-based Democracy Collaborative, which advocates for worker ownership and economic democracy.

  3. In February 2021, the New York City Council approved a bill that establishes a citywide Office of Employee Ownership. The office will be responsible for promoting worker cooperatives and other employee-owned businesses, as well as providing resources and support for existing co-ops.

  4. In January 2021, the Boston Ujima Project, a community development organization focused on promoting economic democracy and racial equity, launched a new initiative to support the development of worker-owned cooperatives in Boston's neighborhoods. The initiative includes a fund to provide capital for co-op development, as well as technical assistance and training for co-op members.

  5. In November 2020, the city of Madison, Wisconsin approved a new program to provide financial assistance to worker cooperatives and other employee-owned businesses. The program, called the Madison Cooperative Business Coalition Fund, is a partnership between the city and local co-op organizations.

These are just a few examples of the growing interest in worker cooperatives and employee ownership in the United States. As more people recognize the benefits of shared ownership and democratic decision-making in the workplace, we can expect to see continued growth in the cooperative sector.

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