Saturday, May 6, 2023

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UBI Agency Proposal

Good morning.Im thinking of creating an agency that provides a universal basic income based on the gross national product of each nation payed to every adult as a dividend and invent a digital money backed by gold or platinum to pay the dividend with.If this were your task how would present your plan to the government.

Good morning! That's an interesting and ambitious idea you have there. If you were to present this plan to the government, I would recommend that you follow these steps:

  1. Research: Before presenting your plan to the government, it's essential to have a solid understanding of the concept of universal basic income (UBI), the global economy, and the existing monetary systems. You should also gather data on the gross national product (GNP) of various nations and determine how much UBI could be paid to each adult.

  2. Develop a comprehensive proposal: Develop a proposal that outlines your plan in detail, including the rationale behind it, how it would be funded, the economic benefits of UBI, and how it would be distributed. Also, include your plans for creating a digital currency backed by gold or platinum to pay the dividend.

  3. Identify the appropriate government officials: Determine who the appropriate government officials are that you should present your proposal to. You might consider presenting to officials in the Ministry of Finance or the Central Bank.

  4. Schedule a meeting: Once you have identified the appropriate officials, schedule a meeting with them to present your proposal. Be prepared to answer any questions they might have and provide evidence to support your claims.

  5. Seek public support: Finally, try to garner public support for your proposal. Write op-eds, give interviews to the media, and use social media to explain your plan and build a groundswell of support. This could help pressure the government to take your proposal seriously and consider it more carefully.

Remember that presenting such a significant proposal to the government can be a long and difficult process. But, with careful preparation, a solid proposal, and strong public support, you can make a compelling case for your idea.

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